All Import Options

Importing documents into DocBits is easy and convenient with our various import options. Choose the method that works best for you.

E-Mail Import

With E-Mail import, you can easily forward documents to your unique DocBits email address and they will automatically be added to your account. Learn more about E-Mail Import and start streamlining your document management process today.

Manual Import

Manual import is a great option for documents that can’t be sent via email. Upload your files directly to DocBits and they will be added to your account. Learn more about Manual Import and start organizing your documents more efficiently.

API Integration

For businesses with more complex document management needs, API integration allows for seamless integration with other systems. Learn more about API Integration and start streamlining your document management process today.


Imagine a powerful software tool that effortlessly navigates your system, identifying and extracting the documents you need for processing. Such software is more than just a convenience; it’s a game-changer for businesses seeking to optimize their operations, reduce human error, and unlock the true potential of their data.

Choose WatchDog and start streamlining your document management process with DocBits today.

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