Imagine if you could save tons of paper every day, drastically reduce energy consumption and at the same time raise the efficiency of your business processes to a new level. Sounds too good to be true? Welcome to the world of automated document processing – a technology that can not only revolutionize your business, but also make a significant contribution to environmental protection. Discover how DocBits, our innovative software solution, is changing the way we handle documents and protecting the environment in the process. Let’s take a look together at how automated document processing is shaping the future of corporate sustainability.
Ein weit verbreiteter Irrtum! PDF-Dateien allein erfĂĽllen die Anforderungen der E-Rechnungspflicht nicht. E-Rechnungen mĂĽssen maschinenlesbar sein, also in einem Format wie XRechnung oder Z
Traditional document processing is resource-intensive. From printing and copying to archiving – paper consumption and energy use are enormous. You might think that global paper consumption has been declining since the advent of the internet, but this assumption is deceptive. According to a study by the environmental organization WWF, around 130 million tons of paper were produced and consumed around the world in 1970. By 2005, this figure had risen to 367 million tons and by 2019 to 415 million tons. The associated energy consumption and CO2 emissions are considerable. In addition, paper production contributes to deforestation, which has negative consequences for biodiversity and the climate.
ZUGFeRD vorliegen. Diese strukturierten Formate erlauben es, Rechnungen automatisch und ohne Umwege digital zu verarbeiten – ein Vorteil, der gerade für Unternehmen, die ihre Prozesse optimieren möchten, Gold wert ist.
Automated document processing drastically reduces the need for physical paper and associated processes. By using digital technologies, documents can be created, processed and stored more efficiently. This leads to a significant reduction in paper consumption and the associated environmental impact.
This is where DocBits comes into play – our innovative software solution for automated document processing. DocBits offers companies an intelligent platform to fully digitize and automate their document processes. But how exactly does DocBits help to protect the environment?
Switching to automated document processing is a significant step towards sustainability. Companies that use technologies like DocBits not only benefit from increased efficiency and cost savings, but also make a valuable contribution to environmental protection.
By replacing traditional paper-based processes with innovative software solutions like DocBits, together we can create a more sustainable future. If you would like to find out more about DocBits and its benefits, please contact us or book a free, no-obligation demo with our experts. Together we can revolutionize your document processes and protect the environment at the same time.
Image credits: Header- & featured image by freepik