PDF, EDI, X-Rechnungen, etc...
SFTP, Email, Scanner, etc...
Invoices, contracts, handwritten forms, and more
custom document types with AI
of data with no prior training, powered by swarm intelligence.
improves accuracy daily.
including handwritten text
like VAT/tax ID and address
at the line-item level for order reconciliation.
for workflows with notifications based on document types
with key fields including an option to add stamps or annotations.
for cost invoices
IDM or other DMS with attributes and annotations.
in Infor or ERP systems, such as creating invoice records or
updating purchase orders with order confirmations.
Machine learning extracts header data, line items, tables, and text without templates.
Automates manual tasks to significantly lower document processing costs.
When developing DocBits, it was our priority to create an app that is not only powerful but also simple and enjoyable to use. We want our users to feel comfortable right from the start and to enjoy managing their daily tasks efficiently. That’s why we focus on intuitive navigation and a clean design.
DocBits‘ unique technology provides end-to-end automation for documents such as invoices, delivery bills, quotations, order confirmations, contracts and more.
Document capture works right out the box with no templates or configuration required. The advanced algorithms continuously improve with every document processed. Accelerate order-to-cash, procure-to-pay, and HR workflows with automated document handling. DocBits integrates seamlessly across Infor CloudSuite, M3, LN, and more.
Our expert team is here to assist you, and our growing library of YouTube tutorials makes learning easy. With DocBits, you’re never without support!
Stay up to date and be the first to know about features, with our Newsletters. Receive valuable tips on how to optimally use our application and stay informed about important events. We’ll also keep you up to date on relevant new policies that may affect your business.
Discover how AI-powered solutions can automate and optimize your document processes.
Learn all about best practices, innovative features, and real-world use cases.
“Faster approval cycles lead to punctual payments to suppliers as well as the possibility to claim cash discounts. The cash discount advantage gained from this alone covers the cost of DocBits (SaaS).“
Processing takes place in just a few seconds to minutes
over 90 % of the data is read out automatically
We look forward to showing you how DocBits can help you save time and money while increasing your productivity.