We have received the order and it is being processed…

Order conirmation

Ever heard or received a message of this kind? For sure. Everyone who has ordered from Amazon, has also ever received a message about the acceptance of his order. This message is nothing more than the so-called order confirmation (AB).

Online retail lives on it …


Without any order, online retail cannot survive. But orders are also the order of the day in manufacturing companies or for service providers. Orders are documents that companies either place or receive.

Not again an invoice


No one likes getting invoices, after all, that means paying money. Much rather be on the other side and write invoices to others and then receive money. Isn’t that right?

Documents in daily business


In every company, many documents come in and out every day. Some of them are still paper-based in many companies, while the other part reaches companies via the digital, electronic path, such as by e-mail or even online forms. All these documents can and must be processed digitally.

Task management

Task management

Do you know the feeling that the to-do list just keeps getting longer instead of shorter?

Data extraction


In today’s world, which is characterized by a wealth of data, the analysis and further use of data is an omnipresent topic. In this context, the extraction of data from a wide variety of documents plays an indispensable and constantly necessary role.

infor community listen up!


Great news: we would like to share it with you. As of today, you can find DocBits, the best solution for your documentprocessing with the highest infor integration, on the informarketplace.

ZUGFeRD Invoice


Are you still sending out paper invoices to your business partners?
Then you may be part of a dying breed. Although 90 percent of all invoices worldwide are still being sent out by post, experts predict that electronic invoices will make up the lion’s share by the middle of the next decade.