Document format

documents format

Document format What is it, which ones are there and what are they used for? The world of document processing has made tremendous strides in recent years. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), new ways of processing documents intelligently, efficiently and automatically have emerged. In businesses, documents play a central role, whether in administration, […]

How you can work with other companies to automate your document processing

document processing

How you can work with other companies to automate your document processing This might seem contradictory at first sight but it is really possible to optimize your processes by working in a community with other companies and even your competitors. This can be simply achieved by introducing swarmintelligence. So what does this term exactly mean? […]

“You’re wasting time!”

wasting time

Has anyone ever told you that you are wasting time? Or haven’t you ever asked yourself the question: How can I use my time more wisely and effectively?

Increase productivity with DocBits

In today’s competitive business environment, streamlining invoice capture processes is crucial for enhancing efficiency and maintaining a healthy cash flow. Manual data entry can be time-consuming and error-prone, leading to delays and inaccuracies.

DocBits: For Efficient Business Processes

In today’s competitive business environment, streamlining invoice capture processes is crucial for enhancing efficiency and maintaining a healthy cash flow.

Introducing DocBits


In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing invoices and documents can become a daunting task. Organizations are constantly searching for solutions that can streamline their processes, reduce errors, and save valuable time.

Personnel file

Personnel file

Today, in most companies a personnel file is kept for each employee. Not because it is obligatory – no – but because it is in the interest of both parties. In Germany, there is only an obligation to keep a personnel file in the public sector (authorities), but not in the private sector. 



A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties (e.g., between individuals, businesses, or between an individual and a business) that establishes certain rights and obligations.



What do you think is meant by this? The voices in our head? No, it’s not that bad. What is meant in this case are forms. Nobody likes them but still they define our everyday life, be it privately or in the company, but especially in our governmental affairs

Credit note

credit note

A special invoice is a credit note / billing credit note. Unlike a traditional invoice, a credit note is not written by the service provider, but by the service recipient (“customer”). This is why the settlement credit note is also called a “reverse invoice”.