The revolution in data processing through DocBits

data processing

In a world where data has become one of the most valuable resources, companies are increasingly faced with the challenge of effectively using the information they collect and processing it as quickly as possible.

Efficient and flexible


Efficiency, flexibility and automation are topics that are becoming increasingly important and relevant for companies of all sizes. When we look at the evolution of technology, we quickly realize the need to automate manual processes in order to increase efficiency and remain competitive.

“You’re wasting time!”

wasting time

Has anyone ever told you that you are wasting time? Or haven’t you ever asked yourself the question: How can I use my time more wisely and effectively?

Cloud vs. On-Primes


Today, digitization is a key factor for companies that want to stay ahead of the competition. IT infrastructures play a decisive role in this. However, companies are faced with the question of which IT infrastructure is best for them: cloud or on-premises?

Increase productivity with DocBits

In today’s competitive business environment, streamlining invoice capture processes is crucial for enhancing efficiency and maintaining a healthy cash flow. Manual data entry can be time-consuming and error-prone, leading to delays and inaccuracies.

DocBits: For Efficient Business Processes

In today’s competitive business environment, streamlining invoice capture processes is crucial for enhancing efficiency and maintaining a healthy cash flow.

Introducing DocBits


In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing invoices and documents can become a daunting task. Organizations are constantly searching for solutions that can streamline their processes, reduce errors, and save valuable time.

Capture Projects


A flexible user interface (UI) is critical to a successful capture project for several reasons. Capture projects are about extracting information and data from various sources such as documents, images, or websites to make them available for analysis and processing.

Personnel file

Personnel file

Today, in most companies a personnel file is kept for each employee. Not because it is obligatory – no – but because it is in the interest of both parties. In Germany, there is only an obligation to keep a personnel file in the public sector (authorities), but not in the private sector.Â