Infor CloudSuite Automotive


Infor CloudSuite Automotive The future of the automotive industry A manufacturer of brake discs, wheel hubs, connecting rods and other automotive parts needs a system that is tailored to its industry. A system that can integrate not only with legacy systems, but also with preconfigured interfaces to its customers and suppliers. To be successful in […]

Process incoming invoices efficiently

incoming invoice

In the past, but also in the present, incoming invoices have been a commonplace but often time-consuming element in business value accounting and financial management.

Efficient workflows


Efficient workflows How they lead companies to success A well-organized workflow is the backbone of any successful business. But what exactly is a workflow and how does it work? In this article, we will answer these questions and show what benefits an optimized workflow brings to businesses. What is a workflow? The term “workflow” (in […]

XInvoice: What is it?


Learn how Electronic Invoicing helps businesses streamline the invoicing process and is the XInvoice standard.

Efficient invoice processing with DocBits

Efficient invoice processing with DocBits Simplify your document processing with AI Invoice processing is a time-consuming and tedious task that is a major challenge in many businesses. Not only can manually capturing, reviewing, and processing invoices take a lot of time, but it can also lead to human error. After all, as the saying goes, […]

Document format

documents format

Document format What is it, which ones are there and what are they used for? The world of document processing has made tremendous strides in recent years. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), new ways of processing documents intelligently, efficiently and automatically have emerged. In businesses, documents play a central role, whether in administration, […]


Definition and the importance for companies: Data plays a critical role in the success of a business, and especially in today’s digital era more than ever.

What exactly is AI?


Whether in medical technology, mechanical engineering or marketing, artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is being talked about more and more everywhere these days.

How you can work with other companies to automate your document processing

document processing

How you can work with other companies to automate your document processing This might seem contradictory at first sight but it is really possible to optimize your processes by working in a community with other companies and even your competitors. This can be simply achieved by introducing swarmintelligence. So what does this term exactly mean? […]