The evolution of invoices


For some time now, companies have been focussing more and more on e-invoicing. Our world, and the business world in particular, is becoming increasingly digitalised and business processes need to run more and more efficiently.

From Order to Invoice

PO Matching

In the complex world of enterprise resource planning (ERP), the journey from order to invoice is pivotal. This is where DocBits, a groundbreaking solution by FELLOWPRO AG, plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless Purchase Order (PO) matching.

Process incoming invoices efficiently

incoming invoice

In the past, but also in the present, incoming invoices have been a commonplace but often time-consuming element in business value accounting and financial management.

Not again an invoice


No one likes getting invoices, after all, that means paying money. Much rather be on the other side and write invoices to others and then receive money. Isn’t that right?

ZUGFeRD Invoice


Are you still sending out paper invoices to your business partners?
Then you may be part of a dying breed. Although 90 percent of all invoices worldwide are still being sent out by post, experts predict that electronic invoices will make up the lion’s share by the middle of the next decade.

Use the power of AI


Imagine that all invoices you receive are processed automatically.
Our DocBits automated invoice processing uses the power of artificial intelligence to make it happen.

3 ways to improve sales productivity


Sales leaders are always looking for ways to increase their sales teams’ productivity. Digital documents allow salespeople to spend less time on paperwork and more time selling.

Digitizing documents with AI

Digital files have a clear advantage over paper documents. Data processing technology is able to optimize document digitization via AIand machine learning. 

3 reasons to automate invoice processing

invoice processing

By now, it is no secret that AI can help speed up workflows and improve processes.
Especially when it comes to invoice processing, digitalization can help companies grow immensely by saving time and money.

Challenges of Structuring Data

Did you know that only 20% of company data is structured?
Chances are, you are sitting on a pile of documents. Think PDF, emails, customer feedback, patents, contracts, technical documents, sensitive documents, personnel files and so on.đź“‘