Get started with your digitisation project

What to consider

Projects that involve digitisation are becoming increasingly popular as companies strive to move away from paper-based processes and into the digital age.

A digitalisation project is not automatically a digital transformation. It is also not a revolution, but is constantly growing. 90% of all companies do not yet use AI in their products.


Digitisation project is the process of converting data from a physical or analogue format into a digital format.

However, starting a digitisation project can be daunting – there are a lot of things to consider! In this blog post, we outline some of the most important factors to consider when planning your digitisation project.

First of all, you need to know exactly what digitisation is and how it can benefit your business. Digitisation is simply the conversion of data or documents from a physical to a digital format. This can be done through scanning, OCR (optical character recognition) with minimal manual input if necessary.

Artifical Intelligence (AI)

But without artificial intelligence (AI) or some form of automation, the data is still in its raw format and difficult to process. This is where intelligent document processing comes in.


It is important to understand that digitisation is not just about scanning documents, but about making your data and processes more efficient.


Many Industrie 4.0 projects involve digitisation or parts of it.

When planning your digitisation project, you should consider some important things:

  • Define your goals
  • Evaluate your current status
  • Identify your target audience
  • Select the right technology
  • Conduct a pilot project
  • Convert data or target formats
  • Measuring productivity


If you consider these factors, you will be well on your way to a successful digitisation project! Stay tuned for our next blog post where we will go into more detail on each of these topics. FELLOWPRO AG with DocBits specialises in helping businesses digitise their data and processes.

DocBits classifies the document and reads the document automatically. Here we can even read out complex table information. Especially the reading of tables is very important for many documents. Often articles, contributions or important information are hidden in tables.

Simple example: A very simple example is the classification of documents via our AI.

Digitisation can help you save time, money and improve customer satisfaction. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!

We support the IHK initiative Pack ma’s digital to further help the
to further assist the economy in Upper Bavaria with digitalisation and to
secure the future of the location.

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Get started with your digitisation project

Image credits: Header- & Featured image by on Freepik
