What exactly is AI?

Whether in medical technology, mechanical engineering or marketing, artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is being talked about more and more everywhere these days. In this blog post, we will try to answer questions like: What exactly is AI? Where is it used? and show how AI in combination with DocBits can facilitate work in the field of document processing. 

First, let’s clarify what exactly is behind the abbreviation AI.


The abbreviation AI stands for the term Artificial Intelligence. However, artificial intelligence is not that easy to explain for the simple reason that there is not even a precise definition of “intelligence”.  

AI is a branch of computer science that deals with the automation of intelligent behavior and machine learning. It refers to the attempt to replicate certain decision-making structures to humans. In a sense, it is a computer programmed to learn experiences, to handle tasks independently, and also to adapt to new incoming information.

Machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning (DL) are technologies that are part of the AI landscape. 

Where is AI used?

In all areas where large amounts of data are generated, the use of an AI makes sense and is definitely beneficial. Within a very short time, sophisticated algorithms enable an AI to objectively analyze huge amounts of unstructured data, to recognize patterns in it, and to make decisions independently on the basis of these patterns. In addition, the error rate continues to fall due to the constantly growing wealth of experience. It can take over everyday recurring routine tasks, so employees have more time to focus on tasks that require empathy and empathy and become more productive.

Put AI to work in document processing with DocBits

Automating processes and workflows can reduce costs and bring a new level of consistency, speed and scalability to your processes. The use of DocBits helps companies automate their document processing processes. DocBits leverages advanced technologies such as artificial swarm intelligence, machine learning and optical character recognition to automate and streamline document capture. By automating data extraction and reducing manual intervention, organizations can save time, minimize errors, and improve overall efficiency.

Can AI replace a human?

The question of whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) can completely replace a human is a complex one that can be looked at from different perspectives. There are different opinions and views on this.

In some areas, AI has already made amazing progress and can perform certain tasks better or more efficiently than humans. For example, in medical imaging, certain AI systems can make better diagnoses than doctors, or in finance, algorithms can make complex trading decisions. AI has also led to major changes in automation and robotics by taking over repetitive tasks.

However, there are also areas where human intelligence and skills remain irreplaceable. Creativity, emotional intelligence, interpersonal relationships, ethical decision-making, and moral responsibility are some of the aspects in which humans have been unique. It is unlikely that AI will be able to fully replicate these human qualities in the foreseeable future.

AI is already useful and powerful in many areas, but there are also areas where human capabilities remain unique.


AI should not and cannot fully replace a human, but merely support and complement them.

When combined with analytics and automation, AI can help companies achieve their goals, such as improved customer service, an optimized supply chain, or quick and easy document processing, faster and easier.


What exactly is AI?

Image credits: Header- & Featured image by vecstock on Freepik


[post_date format=”j. F Y”] von Leni [post_edit]

Whether in medical technology, mechanical engineering or marketing, artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is being talked about more and more everywhere these days. In this blog post, we will try to answer questions like: What exactly is AI? Where is it used? and show how AI in combination with DOC² can facilitate work in the field of document processing. 

First, let’s clarify what exactly is behind the abbreviation AI.


The abbreviation AI stands for the term Artificial Intelligence. However, artificial intelligence is not that easy to explain for the simple reason that there is not even a precise definition of “intelligence”.  

AI is a branch of computer science that deals with the automation of intelligent behavior and machine learning. It refers to the attempt to replicate certain decision-making structures to humans. In a sense, it is a computer programmed to learn experiences, to handle tasks independently, and also to adapt to new incoming information.

Machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning (DL) are technologies that are part of the AI landscape. 

Where is AI used?

In all areas where large amounts of data are generated, the use of an AI makes sense and is definitely beneficial. Within a very short time, sophisticated algorithms enable an AI to objectively analyze huge amounts of unstructured data, to recognize patterns in it, and to make decisions independently on the basis of these patterns. In addition, the error rate continues to fall due to the constantly growing wealth of experience. It can take over everyday recurring routine tasks, so employees have more time to focus on tasks that require empathy and empathy and become more productive.

Put AI to work in document processing with DOC².

Automating processes and workflows can reduce costs and bring a new level of consistency, speed and scalability to your processes. The use of DOC² helps companies automate their document processing processes. DOC² leverages advanced technologies such as artificial swarm intelligence, machine learning and optical character recognition to automate and streamline document capture. By automating data extraction and reducing manual intervention, organizations can save time, minimize errors, and improve overall efficiency.

Can AI replace a human?

The question of whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) can completely replace a human is a complex one that can be looked at from different perspectives. There are different opinions and views on this.

In some areas, AI has already made amazing progress and can perform certain tasks better or more efficiently than humans. For example, in medical imaging, certain AI systems can make better diagnoses than doctors, or in finance, algorithms can make complex trading decisions. AI has also led to major changes in automation and robotics by taking over repetitive tasks.

However, there are also areas where human intelligence and skills remain irreplaceable. Creativity, emotional intelligence, interpersonal relationships, ethical decision-making, and moral responsibility are some of the aspects in which humans have been unique. It is unlikely that AI will be able to fully replicate these human qualities in the foreseeable future.

AI is already useful and powerful in many areas, but there are also areas where human capabilities remain unique.


AI should not and cannot fully replace a human, but merely support and complement them.

When combined with analytics and automation, AI can help companies achieve their goals, such as improved customer service, an optimized supply chain, or quick and easy document processing, faster and easier.

Image credit: Header & Featured image from vecstock on Freepik