The future is now

Artificial intelligence in everyday life and its various facets

In a world that is constantly evolving, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an important part of our everyday lives. But what exactly is behind this fascinating concept? In this blog post, we will explore the different types of artificial intelligence, its applications in everyday life, common AI tools, and the future outlook for humanity in terms of AI. Let’s dive in!

What is AI, simply explained?

An artificial intelligence (AI) is essentially computer programming or software designed to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. Based on data and algorithms, this “intelligent” software can process information, solve problems, learn, and make decisions. Put simply, AI attempts to design computers to think and act like humans.but in a predefined and algorithmic way.

What are the types of artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence can be divided into two main categories:

Narrow AI: This type of AI is limited to specific tasks or applications. It can do a specific task very well, but it does not have general intelligence or understanding like a human has. Examples include Apple’s Siri or chatbots on websites that can answer simple tasks like questions or automate tasks. Sub-types of weak AI can include:

  • Reactive AI: Responds to predefined incentives and actions without learning from experience.
  • Self-learning AI (Machine Learning): Can learn from data and improve itself, but remains limited to a specific application domain.

General AI: This type of AI strives for general intelligence that can demonstrate human-like capabilities in many different task domains. It can learn independently, solve problems, and adapt to different situations.

It is important to note that currently most existing AI systems are weak AI specialized for specific applications. Developing true, strong AI is a long-term goal and remains a challenge in AI research.

Where can you find artificial intelligence in everyday life?

AI is no longer an abstract concept, but an integral part of our everyday lives:

Social media

platforms like Facebook use AI algorithms to display content based on your interests.


AI helps doctors diagnose conditions and enables personalized medication.

Autonomous driving

Self-driving cars use AI to safely navigate the roads.

Voice assistants

Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant provide voice-driven AI interactions.

What AI tools are out there?

There are a variety of AI tools for different applications, including:


An open source deep learning framework from Google.

IBM Watson

An enterprise AI platform that provides analytics, machine learning and more.

A tool from Google for creating chatbots and voice applications.

An advanced speech AI that can generate human-like text.

Where is AI most widely used?

AI is used in a wide range of industries and use cases, helping to streamline processes, make better decisions, and increase efficiency. Some of these industries include finance, healthcare, e-commerce, manufacturing, marketing and advertising, customer service, and education.

Will artificial intelligence replace humans?

The question of whether AI will replace humans remains complex and controversial. AI will undoubtedly automate many jobs, but it can also create new opportunities and support humans in complex decision-making processes. Collaboration between humans and AI is likely to be the future.

Will artificial intelligence replace humans?

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Finally, we would like to introduce DocBits, an intelligent software solution developed by FELLOWPRO AG. DocBits uses artificial swarm intelligence to help companies optimize and revolutionize their document processing. With this innovative technology, you can work more efficiently and save time. To learn more about DocBits, visit our website and discover the future of document processing.


The future is now

Image credits: Header- & Featured image by macrovector on Freepik
